vaccine liability News

Millions of Migrants Can’t Get COVID Vaccines Because of Drugmakers’ Liability Fears

BRUSSELS/BANGKOK – Tens of millions of migrants may be denied COVID-19 vaccines from a global program because some major manufacturers are worried about legal risks from harmful side effects, according to officials and internal documents from Gavi, the charity operating …

Rare Covid-19 Vaccine and Treatment Injury Victims Look to U.S. Fund

High school senior Emma Burkey received her “one and done” Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine on March 20, and within two weeks was in an induced coma following seizures and clotting in her brain. She’s making a slow recovery, having …

J&J to Resume Shipments of COVID-19 Vaccine to EU with Safety Warning

Johnson & Johnson said on Tuesday it will resume rolling out its COVID-19 vaccine in Europe after the region’s medical regulator said the benefits of the shot outweigh the risk of very rare, potentially lethal blood clots. Europe’s health regulator, …

South Africa to Launch Compensation Fund to Allay Vaccine Makers’ Liability Concerns

JOHANNESBURG – The South African government’s compensation fund to cover potential injuries from COVID-19 vaccines could cost around 250 million rand ($17.5 million) in the first year, the health minister said in response to questions in parliament. The African country …

U.S. Recommends Pausing Use of J&J COVID Vaccine over Rare Blood Clots

U.S. federal health agencies on Tuesday recommended pausing use of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine for at least a few days after six women under age 50 developed rare blood clots after receiving the shot, dealing a fresh setback to …

AstraZeneca to Publish Full COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial Results on Efficacy

AstraZeneca will publish up-to-date results from its major U.S. COVID-19 vaccine trial within 48 hours after health officials publicly criticized the drugmaker for using “outdated information” to show how well the immunization worked. The rare public rebuke marks the latest …

U.S. Oversight Board Questions AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

AstraZeneca may have released outdated information on its latest COVID-19 vaccine trial, giving an “incomplete” picture of its efficacy, a leading U.S. health agency said on Tuesday, casting doubt on the shot’s potential U.S. rollout and plunging its developers, once …

Who’s On the Hook If COVID-19 Vaccines Go Wrong?: Viewpoint

The COVID-19 vaccines are here and distribution has begun. But what if something goes wrong? Whether it’s a loss of income, hefty medical bills or other serious adverse effects from getting a shot, someone has to pick up the tab, …

Peruvian Health Minister Points to ‘Controversy’ over Pfizer Vaccine Liability Waiver

LIMA – Peru’s health minister said on Tuesday that “controversy” had arisen over a liability waiver in the country’s negotiations to obtain COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer Inc. Pilar Mazzetti told Congress that Peruvian officials had been in “constant contact” with …

How U.S. Government Will Handle COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims Is Largely a Secret

Lost in the U.S. launch of the coronavirus vaccine is a fact most don’t know when they roll up their sleeves: In rare cases of serious illness from the shots, the injured are blocked from suing and steered instead to …