vaccine mandate News

New York City Ending Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate for City Employees

New York City, which once had the nation’s strictest workplace vaccination rules for COVID-19, is ending one of its last such mandates, saying it will no longer require the shots for municipal employees including police officers, firefighters and teachers. The …

New York City Lifts COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Private Businesses

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is encouraging private businesses to put in place their own vaccine policies after making the private sector vaccine mandate optional. The city has also now made vaccines optional for students who participate in extracurricular …

Supreme Court Justice Denies Detective’s Bid to Block New York City’s Vaccine Mandate

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Monday denied an appeal from a New York Police Department detective who asked for an emergency injunction to keep the city from firing him over its mandate that municipal employees be vaccinated against …

New York Detective Wants Supreme Court to Block Vaccine Mandate

A New York City police detective has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the city from firing him and other workers for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Lawyers for Detective Anthony Marciano asked the court Thursday for an …

Court Says Health Care Workers Suing Maine Governor Must Reveal Identities

Nine health care workers who sued Democratic Maine Gov. Janet Mills over the state’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate have until Money to reveal their identities. The workers have so far remained anonymous, but on Thursday, a federal appeals court in Boston …

Supreme Court Declines to Hear New York Vaccine Mandate for Health Workers

The Supreme Court declined on Thursday to take up a case involving a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for health care workers in New York that does not offer an exemption for religious reasons. The court’s action follows a decision in December …

Many Faith Leaders, Denominations Wary of Religious Exemptions for Vaccine

By the thousands, Americans have been seeking religious exemptions in order to circumvent COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but generally they are doing so without the encouragement of major denominations and prominent religious leaders. From the Vatican, Pope Francis has defended the …

New York City Sued by Business Over Workplace Vaccine Rule

A lawsuit has been filed in federal court challenging New York City’s sweeping mandate requiring nearly all private-sector businesses to ban unvaccinated employees from the workplace, asserting that the city’s attempt to control the coronavirus pandemic deprives tens of thousands …

Safety Council Finds Employer Vaccine Mandates Boost Worker Vaccination Rate 20%

The National Safety Council (NSC) released survey findings showing that employer vaccine requirements are driving higher vaccination rates among workers. According to the survey, employer vaccine requirement led to a 20% increase in worker vaccination uptake. About 95% of workers …

Where Employers Stand on Vaccines, ‘New Normal’ Workplace, Remote Work, Travel

Although more than half (57%) of U.S. employers say they require or plan to require COVID-19 vaccinations of employees, much of that support depends on whether courts approve the Biden Administration’s emergency workplace safety rule requiring vaccinations or weekly testing, …