vaccine mandate News

Biden’s Vaccine Plan Puts OSHA in Spotlight; Expected to Trigger Legal Challenges

President Joe Biden’s sweeping new vaccine requirements have Republican governors threatening lawsuits. His unapologetic response: “Have at it.” The administration is gearing up for another major clash between federal and state rule. But while many details about the rules remain …

Biden Calls for COVID Vaccine Mandate or Test for Two-Thirds of U.S. Workers

President Joe Biden on Thursday said he will require all federal employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and the U.S. Department of Labor will issue a rule requiring that businesses with more than 100 employees have their workers vaccinated or …

How Automakers Are Navigating Differences Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

Public support for stronger measures to require COVID vaccinations is strong, according to a new Reuters/IPSOS poll, but for Detroit automakers the debate over vaccination policy is far from over. General Motors Co. said on Thursday it has required its …

Biden Administration Examining How Far Employers Can Go in Mandating Vaccines

The Biden administration is examining what authority businesses have to mandate vaccines, a top U.S. official told Reuters on Friday, as it considers what more steps can be done to halt the spread of COVID-19. “We are looking at that …

Federal Employees Allowed to Return to Offices Without Vaccinations

U.S. government employees should not be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before returning to their workplace or made to disclose their vaccination status, according to guidance released by the Biden administration on Thursday. Workers may voluntarily disclose this information …

Judge Dismisses Texas Hospital Workers’ Suit Challenging Covid Vaccine Mandate

A U.S. federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by 117 workers at a Texas hospital over its requirement that they be vaccinated against COVID-19. U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes upheld Houston Methodist Hospital’s policy mandating employees be vaccinated, in …

Fired North Carolina Deputy Sues County Sheriff Over Vaccine Mandate

A former North Carolina deputy is suing a sheriff over his requirement for employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Christopher Neve, the former Durham County deputy, is asking a court to force Sheriff Clarence Birkhead to reinstate him with back …