vaccine safety News

Safety Qualms, Slow Demand Hamper J&J Vaccine Rollout in U.S.

Safety concerns about Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine along with overall flagging demand for vaccinations have slowed its U.S. rollout to a crawl, leaving close to half of the 21 million doses produced for the United States sitting unused. J&J’s …

WHO Says China’s Vaccine Prevents COVID But Questions Data on Side Effects: Reuters

WHO experts have voiced “very low confidence” in data provided by Chinese state-owned drugmaker Sinopharm on its COVID-19 vaccine regarding the risk of serious side-effects in some patients, but overall confidence in its ability to prevent the disease, a document …

J&J to Resume Shipments of COVID-19 Vaccine to EU with Safety Warning

Johnson & Johnson said on Tuesday it will resume rolling out its COVID-19 vaccine in Europe after the region’s medical regulator said the benefits of the shot outweigh the risk of very rare, potentially lethal blood clots. Europe’s health regulator, …

Task of Tracking COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Falls to Multiple Federal Agencies

Monitoring Covid-19 vaccines for safety issues will fall to a group of U.S. health agencies that also will have a hand in their rollout, a potential hurdle in persuading skeptics to get the shots, say former government officials who helped …

9 Coronavirus Vaccine Developers Pledge to Uphold Scientific Safety Standards

Nine leading U.S. and European vaccine developers pledged on Tuesday to uphold the scientific standards that their experimental immunisations will be held against, amid a hurried global race to contain the pandemic. The companies, including Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca, in …

U.S. Drug Regulator Vows Outside Review of Any COVID-19 Vaccines

The United States will need to have independent experts review COVID-19 vaccine candidates before approval, the country’s top drug regulator said on Friday, offering reassurance that his agency would not cut corners in the race to roll out a vaccine. …

Vaccine Claims System Slow to Compensate Injured

All but broken by her son’s violent and unexplained seizures, by so many panicked trips from the crib to the emergency room, Jeffrey McCord’s mom thought her desperate search for both answers and help was finally over. A respected neurologist …