Velodyne News

Uber Cut Back on Safety Sensors on Volvo Involved in Fatal Accidents: Reuters

When Uber decided in 2016 to retire its fleet of self-driving Ford Fusion cars in favor of Volvo sport utility vehicles, it also chose to scale back on one notable piece of technology: the safety sensors used to detect objects …

What is Lidar and Why Are Autonomous Car Makers Fighting Over It?

Spacecraft use it to measure distance. Farmers use it to work out which fields need fertilizer. Archaeologists use it to map topography. And, crucially for Uber Technologies Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo, self-driving cars use lidar to navigate. As carmakers …

Automakers, Chipmakers Race to Equip Autonomous Vehicles

Tesla Motors Inc.’s decision to equip all of its vehicles with self-driving hardware has intensified competition among rival camps of technology and auto companies over what equipment will be on board cars of the future. Tesla’s self-driving system will rely …

Robot Cars Complain About Humans’ Poor Roads, Lane Markings, Signage

Volvo’s North American CEO, Lex Kerssemakers, lost his cool as the automaker’s semi-autonomous prototype sporadically refused to drive itself during a press event at the Los Angeles Auto Show. “It can’t find the lane markings!” Kerssemakers griped to Mayor Eric …