Verisk FireLine News

Not All Homes in Wildfire Zones Are Uninsurable. Here’s How Insurers Can Tell.

Fire-risk scores now used by insurance underwriters can sometimes can make it challenging for homeowners to find coverage., a California insurtech start-up, is among a handful of firms working to fine-tune fire-risk scores so that some homeowners have a …

Report: 4.5 Million Homes in 13 States at Extreme Wildfire Risk

A report issued today shows 4.5 million U.S. homes at high or extreme risk of wildfire as the multi-year drought continues. The report’s author said the worsening drought means 2015 has the potential to be one of the most devastating …

Verisk Expands Wildfire Risk Service to 3 More States

Verisk Insurance Solutions has added Montana, Oklahoma and Wyoming to its FireLine wildfire risk management service. FireLine provides information to insurers to analyze wildfire risk at the individual address level. FireLine uses satellite data to assess the effects of the …