Vermont News

New Markets

Monoline Auto Classes, Small Commercial Businesses Nuts & Bolts: Zurich’s small business agents now have more than 500 monoline auto classes to sell. The company announced it has opened 257 existing America Premier classes for monoline auto and added 238 …

Study ranks states on workers’ comp premiums; Alaska highest

The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) has issued its biennial study on national workers’ compensation premiums, and noted that Alaska has the highest rates of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In its ranking, Oregon …

St. George, Utah, tanked most secure place to live

St. George, Utah, is the most secure place in the nation to live, according to the third annual “Most Secure U.S. Places to Live” rankings from Los Angeles-based Farmers Insurance Group of Companies. The rankings, compiled by, evaluated communities …

Study: St. George, Utah Ranked Most Secure Place To Live

According to the third annual “Most Secure U.S. Places to Live” rankings from Farmers Insurance Group of Companies, the most secure location to live in the United States is St. George, Utah. The rankings, compiled by database experts at, …

A.M. Best Rates Pfizer Insurance Captive A- Excellent

A.M. Best Co. has assigned a financial strength rating of A- (Excellent) to Blue Whale Re Ltd. of Burlington, Vermont. The rating outlook is stable. A.M. Best said the rating reflects the company’s “strong capitalization and its conservative operating strategy.” …

Regulators Install Management Committee for Interstate Compact

The Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission created by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners installed its Management Committee and elected a Committee chair, vice-chair and treasurer recently during the Commission’s inaugural annual meeting in Lansdowne, Va. The Commission elected Pennsylvania …

Judge Allows Age Bias Suit Against TD Banknorth

An age discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee of TD Banknorth can go forward, a federal judge has ruled. U.S. District Judge William Sessions III ruled that the case filed by Anita Petroziello of Colchester, Vermont should go forward …

It Figures

21 The number of health insurers fined by the New York State Insurance Department with a total of $310,300 for violations of New York’s Prompt Pay Law, which requires health insurers and HMOs to pay undisputed health insurance claims within …

News Currents

Newly elected Democratic governors in Massachusetts, New York and Maryland are expected to name their own insurance commissioners, although it’s to early to know who the successors might be, according to insurance industry insiders. The industry will see many new …

Election results give Northeast more clout on insurance issues

After the midterm elections, Northeast Democrats are moving into positions of power that could help their states economically as well as affect progress on insurance legislation. Democrats are now well-positioned to bring home more bacon on everything from transportation to …