Virginia News

Some Question Data on Low Worker Injury Rates in North, South Carolina

A new federal study estimating the rate of workplace injuries last year finds North and South Carolina among the country’s safest in which to work. But some workplace safety experts doubt whether the rates accurately reflect which states are safer. …

Manchin U.S. Senate Win Elevates Democrat Tomblin to Governor Post

West Virginians essentially chose a new state chief executive when they voted to send Gov. Joe Manchin to the U.S. Senate, but his Tuesday win has also forced to the forefront questions about the succession process. Senate President Earl Ray …

Why Now Is a Good Time for Agency Network Growth

They go by many names — networks, alliances, franchises, clusters and aggregators — but all have similar goals. Aggregator groups have been around the insurance industry for more than three decades but in the past few years they have become …

U.S. Seeks to Shut Massey Mine in Kentucky Over Safety

Mine safety regulators have filed a motion against a company owned by Massey Energy , claiming safety violations at one of its mines in Kentucky, the U.S. Department of Labor said Wednesday. It said its Mine Safety and Health Administration …

West Virginia Court Upholds Mine Safety Office Authority

The authority of West Virginia’s mine safety office to suspend coal miners has been upheld by the state Supreme Court. The decision stems from the death of locomotive driver Victor Goudy at Consol Energy’s McElroy Mine two years ago. Goudy …

Pennsylvania Woman Sues Gas Driller, Claims Water Tainted

A Pennsylvania woman is suing natural gas driller Chesapeake Energy Corp. and two of its subsidiaries, claiming that drilling near her rural home has fouled the water with methane and other pollutants and created a rash of health problems since …

Election Will Mean New Faces in State Insurance Commissioner Jobs

Tuesday’s elections could have ramifications for a number of state insurance commissioner posts across the country. Nationwide, 11 commissioners are directly elected but there are only four such elections tomorrow; the rest of commissioners are appointed, most by governors or …

It Figures

$175,000 Fine paid to the state of Connecticut by Ohio-based American Modern Home Insurance Co. for agent-licensing violations. A recent market conduct examination by regulators found that American Home had 75 agents who were not appointed and 11 individual agents …

Sensors Show Football Helmets Should Vary by Player’s Position

Dr. Gunnar Brolinson wonders if football helmets should be position-specific. Meaning a lineman’s helmet would be different than a defensive back’s helmet or one used by a quarterback. After all, the head impacts that each player sustains while playing vary …

300 Homes to Be Repaired in Settlement With Chinese Drywall Firm

A Chinese drywall manufacturer has agreed to participate in the remediation of up to 300 homes in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida that were contaminated by faulty drywall. The agreement reached with Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin (KPT) in Chinese Drywall multidistrict …