Virginia News


Kentucky Test Drives “This is primarily set up for kids. There are 300 different driving scenarios we can put somebody through on this. When you put all of that together, it becomes more than a video game. It makes you …

It Figures

$8 Billion The cost thus far to BP of dealing with its oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico. BP said that since it capped the well on July 15, it has spent around $90 million a day — in …


Elizabeth Heck has been named president and chief operating officer of New York-based GNY Insurance Cos. She is a 20-year veteran of the insurance industry. She began her career with Ernst & Young, and worked in senior corporate accounting positions …

3 Win Progressive Insurance X-Prize for Fuel Efficient Vehicles

An ultralight, gas-powered car that can get 102 miles per gallon is among the winners of the $10 million Automotive X Prize, a contest to develop highly efficient, production-ready vehicles. While it’s not likely to go on sale in its …

Lawsuit: Gas Drilling Fluid Ruined Pennsylvania Water Wells

Thirteen families in the heart of the gas-rich Marcellus Shale say their water wells have been contaminated by poisonous fluids blasted deep underground by a drilling company using a technique at the center of a fierce nationwide debate. A faulty …

Virginia County Goes After Distracted Drivers Who Text

Yes, it’s illegal to text while driving in Virginia, just as it is in 29 other states. And yes, police see the same things on the roads that all motorists see: distracted drivers paying more attention to their cell phones …

Markel Acquiring Equine and Livestock Business From Hiscox

Insurer Markel has acquired the rights to American Live Stock, the animal mortality business of Hiscox Insurance Co.. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the companies said it would close the transaction by October 1. The transaction, which …

North Carolina Apple Farmers Like Better Crop Insurance

North Carolina apple growers say they are happy to learn about proposed changes in federal crop insurance that would better protect them from a catastrophic loss. The Times-News of Hendersonville reported about two dozen Henderson County apple growers attended a …

Indiana Insurance Commissioner Carol Cutter Dies

Indiana Insurance Commissioner Carol Cutter passed away Sept. 6 in Indianapolis, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners has announced. “We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our colleague, Indiana Insurance Commissioner Carol Cutter. Carol brought a wealth …

Car Booster Seats Make Gains in Insurance Testing

Car booster seats have made strides in ensuring a proper fit for children in the back seat, according to a review by the insurance industry. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety gave its top marks to 21 of 72 booster …