volcano News

Columbus Direct Launches New Ash Cloud Travel Cover

Columbus Direct, part of the Collinson Insurance Group, has launched a new travel insurance policy – Ash Cloud Cover – designed to protect customers in the event of their travel plans being disrupted following a reoccurrence of volcanic ash. The …

Indonesia’s Mount Lokon Volcano Erupts Twice

An Indonesian volcano spewed hot gases and ash in two eruptions on Monday that show high and unpredictable activity from the volatile mountain, experts said. The second blast at Mount Lokon was the larger of the two afternoon eruptions, spewing …

Eurocontrol: No Major Ash Impact on Air Traffic

No significant disruptions of air traffic are expected in Europe in coming days as a result of volcanic activity, Eurocontrol said Thursday. The air traffic agency said activity from Iceland’s Grimsvotn volcano has declined sharply. “As a result, there are …

Europe on Alert for Icelandic Volcano Ash Cloud

An eruption by Iceland’s most active volcano put Europe on high alert on Monday as a billowing ash cloud drifted towards Scotland and threatened to shut down airports across the northern edge of the continent. Northern Europe looked set to …