Volcanos News

Cal/OSHA Cites California Ski Resort Following Patrolmen Deaths

The California Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), cited Mammoth Mountain Ski Area $49,865 following an investigation into the accidental deaths of three of their ski patrolmen. “As a result of our investigation, inspectors determined …

Southeast Asian Nations Urge Disaster Warning Systems

Southeast Asian foreign ministers this week issued an urgent call to set up disaster alert systems in the region, shaken by Indonesia’s failure to give advance warning of a tsunami last week that killed at least 600 people. Foreign ministers …

Quake Triggers Tsunami Fears in Indonesia

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.1 struck off Indonesia’s Sulawesi island on Sunday, causing residents to flee coastal areas in fear of a tsunami. Indonesian officials — who have been under fire for failing to warn people ahead …

UPDATE: Java Quake Toll Passes 4900; 200,000 Homeless

More than 4900 people have now been confirmed dead following the massive earthquake that hit the Indonesia Island of Java on Saturday, May 27, around 6:00 in the morning local time. More than 20,000 have been injured, and an estimated …

NCOIL Resolution Supports State Regulation of Insurance

The preservation of state regulation of insurance and a multi-pronged approach to disaster management was outlined by the National Conference of Insurance Legislators and approved as amended on Friday by the Property and Casualty Insurance Committee during the National Conference …

Alaska’s Augustine Volcano Showing Signs of Erupting, Scientists Say

A sulfurous steam plume, hundreds of miniature earthquakes and a new swath of ash on Alaska’s snowy Augustine Volcano have scientists alerted to a possible eruption in the next few months. The 4,134-foot volcano hasn’t shown such signs since it …

TS Stan Ravages Central America; 230 Reported Dead

Tropical Storm Stan has brought devastation to large parts of El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Southern Mexico, Costa Rica and Honduras. 120 people are reported to have died in Guatemala, over half of the 230 fatalities reported so far. Most of …

New Hawaii Lava Flow Report Introduced

CDS Business Mapping LLC, a provider of online hazard mapping, is now offering Hawaii Lava Flow reports on its RiskMeter Online Web site (www.RiskMeter.com). By simply typing in an address, underwriters and agents will receive a detailed report that returns: …

“Supervolcanoes:” A Potential Global Catastrophe

As if the world’s increasingly violent weather weren’t enough (See previous article), the BBC is set to air a two part documentary on the potential threat of mass destruction posed by “Supervolcanoes.” The program, which will be aired in the …

Can it Happen Here’ Tsunamis a Possible Threat to West Coast

Southeast Asia’s devastating tsunami has left many wondering if the threat could hit close to home. The reality is that tsunamis, in fact, have already made their mark on the West Coast, and the threat still remains today. According to …