Volcanos News

Powering the World

It’s too bad we can’t harness the energy of Washington’s Mt. St. Helens. It’s been belching great plumes of steam and ash of late, propelling long buried energy some 10,000 feet into the air. So far it’s been a spectacular …

Deloitte & Touche Names Spruell, Thaler to Posts

Deloitte & Touche LLP, a national professional services firms, has named Byron Spruell national leader of its Business Insurance Consulting (BIC) group. In addition, Greg Thaler has been named associate national director of the BIC practice. Spruell, based in Houston …

Exclusive Agents Feel the Squeeze

The times they are a’changin’.” Bob Dylan’s 60’s refrain could be the theme song for a new spirit moving through the ranks of the insurance industry’s exclusive (captive) agents. The current hard market has accelerated a trend marked by a …

Exclusive Agents Feel the Squeeze

The times they are a’changin’.” Bob Dylan’s 60’s refrain could be the theme song for a new spirit moving through the ranks of the insurance industry’s exclusive (captive) agents. The current hard market has accelerated a trend marked by a …

Allianz, Munich Re Near Agreement on Bank Takeover, Share Swap

The German banking and insurance sector, like a volcano that has long been threatening to erupt, may finally explode this weekend. Two of the world’s largest insurance groups, Allianz AG and Munich Re are reportedly in the final stages of …

Philippine Volcano Erupts

Mayon volcano, located in the central Philippines about 190 miles southeast of Manila, erupted Thursday, sending molten rivers of lava down its slopes and darkened skies by sending ash six miles into the atmosphere. It forced about 30,000 people from …