Volcanos News

European Insurers Expect Little Hit from Volcano Fallout

Airlines which stand to lose millions of euros from a cloud of Icelandic volcanic ash disrupting flights and closing airports across northern Europe are expected to have little recourse to recoup losses from insurance companies. “Normally, the airlines are not …

Italy’s Mt. Vesuvius Ranked as Europe’s Most Dangerous Volcano

A major eruption of Italy’s Mount Vesuvius could result in 8,000 fatalities, 13,000 serious injuries and total economic losses of more than $24 billion, says a new study. According to the Willis Research Network (WRN), Vesuvius now ranks at the …

Icelandic Volcano Eruption Intensifies; Airline Travel No-Go

A volcanic eruption in Iceland, which has thrown up a 6-km (3.7 mile) high plume of ash and disrupted air traffic across northern Europe, has grown more intense, an expert said on Thursday. The eruption under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier continued …

Why Is Volcanic Ash a Threat to Planes?

A cloud of volcanic ash drifting eastward from Iceland has halted flights across northern Europe, causing widespread disruption. Below are some questions and answers on the aviation risk. What is volcanic ash? Plumes of dust spewed out by volcanoes usually …

Volcano Erupts in Iceland, Hundreds Evacuated; Airspace Closed

Authorities evacuated hundreds of people after a volcano erupted beside a glacier in southern Iceland, the country’s civil protection agency said Sunday. The eruption occurred around 11:30 p.m. Saturday (19:30 EDT) beside the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, the fifth largest in Iceland. …

Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. Reveals the Riskiest Movies of the Year

As the Oscars quickly approach, many are speculating what film and actors will win Hollywood’s most coveted statue. Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co., a Novato, Calif.-based insurer of major Hollywood films for more than 85 years, is unveiling the riskiest films …

Lloyd’s Analyzes Lurking Danger of Active Volcanoes

An article on the Lloyd’s web site (www.lloyds.com) points out that there are “around 1,500 active volcanoes in the world and, although deadly eruptions are rare, they can cause devastation to people and property over a wide area, leaving huge …

It Figures

0 The number of Atlantic hurricanes that came ashore the U.S. this past storm season, a season that turned out to be the quietest since 2006. Since June, just nine named storms developed. Only three of them became hurricanes, and …

UN Reports Natural Disasters at Decade Low in 2009

The world this year suffered the fewest number of natural disasters in a decade, but floods, droughts and other extreme weather continued to account for most of the deaths and economic losses, according to a United Nations report released on …

Lava-Listed on Hawaii’s Big Island

Insurers’ Use of Lava Maps to Gauge Risk Doesn’t Set Well With Some Homeowners The U.S. Geological Survey’s 35-year-old maps of lava danger zones in this southern corner of Hawaii’s Big Island are a tableau of earthy colors and odd …