Volcanos News

Alaskans Brace for Possible Volcanic Eruption

Maree Shogren knows firsthand the toxic power of a volcano, so don’t blame her for being a little freaked out about the expected eruption of Alaska’s Mount Redoubt. The Anchorage woman vividly recalls the 1992 eruption of Mount Spurr, how …

Earthquake Reveals Cracks in Washington Alert System

When an earthquake larger than magnitude 3 strikes the Northwest, an automated system is supposed to page University of Washington seismologists and notify emergency managers. But that’s not what happened on Jan. 30, 2009, when amagnitude-4.5 jolted the state. Because …

AIR Analyzes Costa Rica Quake

According to catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated that the earthquake, which struck Costa Rica last week, measured 6.1. The epicenter was located about 35 km (22 miles) northwest of the capital city, San …

757 Graduates Receive CPCU Designation; Total Now Near 65,000

The American Institute for CPCU honored 757 new graduates of the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU program at the 2008 CPCU conferment ceremony in Philadelphia, Pa., the birthplace of the CPCU designation. The 2008 class brings the number of CPCU …

Big Island Volcanic Smog Leads to Disaster Declaration

The federal government approved a disaster declaration to cover the losses Big Island farmers have suffered as a result of volcanic smog (vog), from Kilauea, Hawaii. The move will allow Big Island farmers to apply for low-interest emergency loans, U.S. …

Earthquakes Raise Questions of Future Shocks, Public Readiness

Just weeks after earthquakes rattled Nevada, the Midwest and the coast of Oregon, and on the heels of the 102nd anniversary of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake, the public, government officials and insurance industry professionals are wondering whether towns across could …

It Figures

600 The number of earthquakes that have shaken the basin off the coast of central Oregon in early April. Scientists noted they are baffled by the “swarm” of quakes, because that is something that often happens before a volcanic eruption, …

World’s Weather as a Deranged Pinball Machine?

The 10th edition of the European Insurance Forum (EIF), held at Dublin’s Four Seasons Hotel and sponsored by the Dublin Insurance & Management Association (DIMA) April 7-8, focused on some major issues of worldwide concern, as well as the state …

Appeals Court Rules Against State of Hawaii

An appeals court has ruled that the fees the state of Hawaii charged insurance companies were unconstitutional and amounted to an illegal tax. That’s because the assessments were in excess of the “cost of the services rendered” and used to …

Scientists Baffled by Swarm of Quakes Off Oregon Coast

Scientists listening to underwater microphones have detected an unusual swarm of earthquakes off central Oregon, something that often happens before a volcanic eruption — except there are no volcanoes in the area. Scientists don’t know exactly what the earthquakes mean, …