volunteer firefighters News

Pennsylvania Audit Finds Issues With 15 of 43 Volunteer Firefighters’ Associations

Pennsylvania Auditor General Timothy DeFoor released audit reports for 43 volunteer firefighters’ relief associations (VFRAs) in 30 Pennsylvania counties. The reports show 28 with no adverse findings and 15 with a compliance or expenditure issue of some kind. The audits …

Maryland Internship Program Trains Firefighters of Tomorrow

Three firefighters entered a building that simulated a burning third-floor apartment fire. In the training exercise, Bryan Duvall douses the flames with a hose while Tiffany Huber and Riley Becker search for a missing firefighter. The rescuers’ vision is impaired …

Oklahoma House Passes Bill Aimed at Increasing Volunteer Firefighter Numbers

The Oklahoma House of Representatives has unanimously passed legislation that will allow paid firefighters after retirement to return to service as volunteers without effect to their state pensions. House Bill 2051 passed the House with a vote of 97-0 and …

New York Holds Line on Volunteer Firefighters After Declines

More new firefighters are volunteering in New York state after years of declining membership, though companies are still seeking recruits to meet more calls. Fire companies statewide attracted 12,665 new volunteers in 2011 and 2012 amid aggressive recruiting efforts, according …

Alabama’s Volunteer Fire Departments Not Alone in Recruiting Struggles

They’re often the first ones on the scene of major emergencies, but their numbers appear to be dwindling. Volunteer firefighters help communities in ways both obvious β€” fighting firesβ€” and overlooked β€” improving communities’ home insurance rates through ISO ratings. …

Emergency Responder Shortage a Growing Concern in Pennsylvania

In 1977, there were 300,000 volunteer firefighters. Today, the number is closer to 50,000. Recruiting and retaining firefighters and emergency medical service providers is a growing concern in Pennsylvania and lawmakers are looking at ways to address it. Volunteer ambulance …

Volunteer Firefighters Exempted from Obamacare Mandate

U.S. cities and towns won’t be required to provide health insurance for volunteer firefighters, a reprieve from federal Obamacare rules that fire departments had said would be financially devastating. Volunteer emergency workers will be made exempt from a requirement that …

N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Vetoes Volunteer Firefighter Benefits Bills

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo vetoed legislation that would have guaranteed job leaves for volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers during emergencies and another bill that would have extended coverage for their injuries in the line of duty outside the areas …

Eastern Kentucky Fire Departments Struggle to Find Volunteers

Fire departments in eastern Kentucky are struggling to find enough volunteers. Pike County Emergency Management Director Doug Tackett told the Appalachian News-Express that volunteer departments are finding different ways to compensate for the lack of firefighters, but the problem is …

Tennessee Fire Departments Lacking in Volunteers

While calls to volunteer fire departments are on the rise, the ranks of these volunteers are dwindling in Middle Tennessee and officials hope a younger generation will step up to the service. Volunteer fire departments account for about 80 percent …