Wall Street Journal News

News Corp. Suspects China Behind Cyber Attack on Its Email System

Digital intruders broke into News Corp. email accounts and compromised the data of an unspecified number of journalists, the company disclosed Friday, and the media firm’s internet security adviser said the attack was likely aimed at gathering intelligence “to benefit …

State Regulation Worked in Red Rock/Foster Jennings Case: Oklahoma Commissioner

The circumstances surrounding the liquidation of a small Oklahoma insurer highlight the concern over how effectively state insurance regulators are able assess potential buyers of insurance companies, according to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal. But Oklahoma’s insurance …

Media Firms Join Fight Against Delaware Business Court’s ‘Secret’ Dealings

Major U.S. news organizations have urged a federal appeals court to prevent Delaware from allowing sitting judges to arbitrate business disputes in private, saying the system raised suspicions of preferential treatment for corporations. The case involves Delaware’s Court of Chancery, …

Panel Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing at Dow Jones

The independent committee charged with monitoring editorial integrity at The Wall Street Journal said Saturday it has found no evidence of wrongdoing at the Journal or Dow Jones & Co., which are owned by News Corp. The group also said …