Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler News

Idaho Non-Resident Producer License Revoked

The Idaho Department of Insurance received notice from the Washington Office of Insurance Commissioner revoking the license of Randy W. Tate, a Washington resident. Idaho insurance code gives the director the right to revoke any insurance producer license that has …

Washington Commissioner Fines Insurance Professionals $17K

Wasington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler took enforcement action and issued fines totaling $17,675 last month against insurance companies and producers who he says violated state insurance regulations. Here’s the list of fines and what Kreidler says warranted them: Insurance companies …

Economics of Climate Change, Climate Fiction and Climate Control

With fresh news out on the global economic cost of climate change, an enticing climate fiction contest and a sweet victory for this column, it would take until Christmas to individually cover it all in a bimonthly space. So I’ll …

Insurers Stepping Toward Greater Green Investment Footprint

This is the second of a two-part column on green bonds.The first installment focused on bond sales. Australian carrier QBE Insurance Group Ltd. has invested $190 million Australian Dollars ($148.42 million) in four green bonds in the last year-and-a-half, and …

Washington Commissioner Says Hole-in-One Insurance Scammer at It Again

It appears hole-in-one insurance scammer Kevin Kolenda has been at it again, according to detectives in Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s office. Kolenda was arrested on Monday in Norwalk, Conn., during a search of his residence. Kreidler’s detectives worked in …

Climate Change Regulations for Insurers Not Out of Realm of Possibility

Some sort of climate change regulation for the insurance industry could be just around the corner. Then again, it might not be. It’s a tossup in the eyes of Don Reed, a managing director in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ U.S. sustainable business solutions …

Former Washington Adjuster Pleads Guilty To $135,000 Theft

Former Nationwide Insurance claims associate Fariborz Romeo Rahrovi, 40, on Friday pled guilty in King County Superior Court in Washington to two counts of theft, criminal conspiracy and money laundering related to the theft of an accident victim’s $525,000 insurance …

Washington Commissioner Disciplines Insurers, Producers

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler in September disciplined several insurance companies, agents and brokers who violated state insurance regulations. Following are the names of the parties, their locations and the violations the Office of the Insurance Commissioner reported to have …

Washington Insurance Judge Untruthful In Case, Inspector Says

An independent investigator says the state insurance office’s top administrative-law judge was misleading and untruthful when it came to a high-profile insurance case that ultimately led to her suspension in May. Patricia Petersen had alleged that the insurance commissioner Chief …

Washington Sheriff’s Deputy Charged With Insurance Fraud

Jeremy B. Jeske, 43, a Spokane County Sheriff’s deputy, has been charged with two counts of insurance fraud in connection with a case that was investigated by Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s Special Investigations Unit. According to the investigators, Jeske …