Washington News

Texas Approves 9 Companies to Self-Insure for Workers’ Comp

The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation (TDI-DWC) approved the renewal of the Certificates of Authority for nine companies to self-insure for workers’ compensation claims for a one-year period under the TDI-DWC Self-Insurance Regulation program. These nine companies …

Insurance Agents, Carriers Make Progress in Modifying Dodd Bill

Insurance agents and carriers are reporting progress in their efforts to modify a proposed federal financial services regulation bill passed by the Senate Banking Committee, while risk managers have extended their support to the legislation. Lobbyists for the Independent Insurance …

New York Police Agree Driver Error Caused Toyota Crash

A New York housekeeper who reported that her boss’ Toyota Prius accelerated on its own and wouldn’t brake as she hurtled toward a stone wall apparently had her foot on the gas pedal the entire time, according to a police …

Pay Czar Demands More Pay Cuts at AIG, Other Bailed Out Firms

The Obama administration’s pay czar Tuesday slashed pay again at five U.S. firms that still depend on a government lifeline, but boasted that the clampdowns are not sending talented workers fleeing for the exits. Kenneth Feinberg, a Washington lawyer who …

EU Trade Chief Says U.S. Must Make First Move to Restart Doha Round

The European Union cannot make more concessions on farm trade to restart stalled world trade talks and the United States must make the first move, the EU’s new trade chief said on Monday. The ball was not in the EU’s …

How States Are Responding to Healthcare Reform Law

Many U.S. states are worried that the healthcare overhaul plan approved by the U.S. House of Representatives will usurp their sovereignty and impose more spending on their already stretched budgets. Republican attorneys general in at least 12 states announced on …

Republican Attorneys General Pursue Sovereignty Claim Against Health Bill

Republican attorneys general in at least 12 U.S. states warned Monday that lawsuits will be filed to stop the federal government’s healthcare reform bill from encroaching on states’ sovereignty. The lawsuits were announced hours after the U.S. House of Representatives …

State Budget Deficits Could Harm the Insurance Industry

While 2009 was a tough year to do business, state and city leaders say 2010 and 2011 will be even tougher — the outcome of which could have negative implications for the insurance industry. A number of states are struggling …

WTO Needs ‘Political Miracle’ to Conclude Doha Deal in 2010

Members of the World Trade Organization are likely to conclude next week that it will take a political miracle to agree a new trade deal this year, consigning yet another Doha round deadline to the dustbin. The U.S. and European …

Driver Error Possible in New York Prius Crash, Says Safety Agency

U.S. safety officials believe driver error may be behind the crash in New York of a Toyota Motor Corp. Prius that has been investigated as a possible case of unintended acceleration, federal investigators said Thursday. The National Highway Traffic Safety …