wastewater injection wells News

Study: Kansas’ Largest Earthquake Likely Caused by Wastewater Injection

The largest recorded earthquake in Kansas history was likely the result of wastewater injected into the ground by one or two nearby wells, according to a new study from the U.S. Geological Survey found. The 4.9 magnitude earthquake happened in …

Oklahoma Geological Survey Studying Injection Well/Earthquake Connection

The Oklahoma Geological Survey is studying the relationship between seismic activity and wastewater injection wells with a survey in the Arbuckle formation. Sensors will be placed into several injection wells in the Arbuckle group to take various measurements. The Enid …

Oklahoma Governor OKs $1.4M in State Funds for Earthquake Research

Gov. Mary Fallin approved the use of nearly $1.4 million in state emergency funds for state agencies working to reduce the increasing number of earthquakes that have been linked to the disposal of oil and gas wastewater in Oklahoma. Speaking …

Sandridge Energy Agrees to Reduce Wastewater Volume in Oklahoma Wells

Sandridge Energy has agreed to a plan from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Oil and Gas Conservation Division (OGCD) that will both reduce the volume of wastewater being injected in the Medford and Cherokee/Byron areas, and convert some wells from disposal …

Oklahoma Officials Avoid Tough Measures Despite More, Stronger Quakes

In Oklahoma, now the country’s earthquake capital, people are talking nervously about the big one as man-made quakes get stronger, more frequent and closer to major population centers. Next door in Kansas, they’re feeling on firmer ground though no one …

Hundreds of Oklahomans Turn Out for Earthquake Hearing

Oklahoma residents concerned with a dramatic increase in the number of earthquakes called for more regulations on the oil and gas industry on Jan. 15 and urged state leaders to take action to stop the quakes. About 200 people tried …

Energy Companies Want Oklahoma Judge to Toss Earthquake Suit

Two energy companies asked a judge on Dec. 9 to throw out a lawsuit by an Oklahoma woman who claims she was injured in an earthquake caused by the injection of wastewater deep into the ground — a long-used method …

Oklahoma Geologists Also See Earthquake-Injection Well Link

The Oklahoma Geological Survey said it is “very likely” that most of the state’s recent earthquakes were triggered by the subsurface injection of wastewater from oil and natural gas drilling operations. Scientists at Southern Methodist University and the U.S. Geological …