water contamination News

English Fishing Village Told to Boil Water After Parasite Outbreak Sickens Over 45 People

A scenic fishing village in southwestern England was under instructions to boil its tap water for a third day on Friday after a parasite sickened more than 45 people in the latest example of Britain’s troubled water system. Around 16,000 …

Maine Sues Monsanto Over Contamination From PCB-Tainted Products

Maine is suing biochemical giant Monsanto for allegedly knowingly selling products containing harmful chemicals that have contributed to contamination in the state. The latest lawsuit targeting the company over the manufacture and sale of products with polychlorinated biphenyls, also known …

Meetings to Be Held on Status of PFAS Chemicals in New Hampshire Communities

Meetings will be held online for three southern New Hampshire communities to give the public updates on the status of chemicals found in the water, the Department of Environmental Services said. The meetings are scheduled for Litchfield on May 17, …

Vermont Water System Operators Told to Test for PFAS Contamination

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources says it has notified public drinking water system operators to start testing for a class of potentially toxic chemicals. It said that the move is part of an expanded effort to identify sources of …

New Hampshire Committee to Consider Tough Water Standards for Chemicals

A New Hampshire legislative committee will consider a proposal to create some of the nation’s toughest drinking water standards for a class of toxic chemicals that have caused widespread contamination in the state. On Thursday, the New Hampshire Joint Legislative …

High Levels of Lead Discovered at Western New York School District

Testing at 13 buildings belonging to a western New York school district returned results that confirmed the presence of elevated levels of lead in water at some schools. The Democrat & Chronicle reports nearly 14 percent of all faucets tested …

New Hampshire Town Seeks Municipal Water from City after Coakley Rejection

Officials and residents in the New Hampshire town of Greenland are urging Portsmouth’s City Council to support running municipal water to homeowners whose wells are vulnerable to contamination from a Superfund cleanup site. The Coakley Landfill Group, which includes the …