water quality News

Groups Argue Wisconsin Regulators Can’t Make Factory Farms Obtain Preemptive Pollution Permits

MADISON, Wis. (AP) __ Wisconsin regulators can`t legally impose environmental regulations on factory farms before they become operational, two farm advocacy groups allege in a lawsuit that could dramatically loosen protections against manure pollution in state waters. Wisconsin Manufacturers and …

Lawsuits Decry Lead Levels in Mississippi Capital’s Water

Two lawsuits claim that hundreds of children have been exposed to dangerous lead levels through the drinking water in Mississippi’s capital, a city that has been facing water system problems for years. One lawsuit represents one child, while the other …

Fracking Companies Silence Water Complaints With Sealed Settlements

Chris and Stephanie Hallowich were sure drilling for natural gas near their Pennsylvania home was to blame for the headaches, burning eyes and sore throats they suffered after the work began. The companies insisted hydraulic fracturing — the technique they …