California Insurance Commissioner OKs Workers’ Comp Rating Bureau Filing

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has approved a filing from the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s that makes amendments to uniform statistical reporting and experience rating. The WCIRB submitted a regulatory filing and ensuing amendments to the filing in Aug. …

California Workers’ Comp Rating Bureau Exploring Blockchain, Behavioral Science

One wouldn’t normally associate blockchain with workers’ compensation, two completely different industries that seem worlds apart. But as it turns out, the technology is of value to at least one very important entity in the space. The Workers’ Compensation Insurance …

WCIRB: California Workers’ Comp Written Premium to be Down Again This Year

Lower workers’ compensation rates in California will bring down written premium once again this year, according to a forecast from the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. That revelation is expected in a full report on the state of California’s workers’ …

California Workers’ Comp Pure Premium Could be Lowered 7th Straight Time

Hailing worker’s compensation reform in California as a “big hit,” the two top people at the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau explained why the WCIRB governing committee on Monday submitted a lower mid-year pure premium rate filing to the California …

California Workers’ Comp Committee Votes to Lower Mid-Year Filing

The California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s governing committee has voted to authorize the WCIRB to submit a lower mid-year pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance based in part on reduced lien filings and a new …

California Commissioner Adopts $1.94 Workers’ Comp Pure Premium

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has adopted an advisory pure premium rate that lowers the benchmark to $1.94 per $100 of payroll for workers’ compensation insurance. The advisory rate is effective Jan. 1, 2018. The rate is 17.1 percent less …

California Worker’s Comp Insurer Written Premium Down 4% in First Half of 2017

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau has completed its report on statewide workers’ comp insurer loss and premium experience through June 30. The major findings of the report include: California written premium for the first half of 2017 was $9.1 …

California Commissioner Issues Decision on Jan. 1, 2018 Worker’s Comp Filing

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Tuesday issued a decision regarding the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s Jan. 1, 2018 regulatory filing, which was submitted to the California Department of Insurance on June 27. Jones approved the following: The WCIRB’s …

California Comp Bureau Committee Votes to Submit Lower Pure Premium Filing

The California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s governing committee on Wednesday voted to amend the WCIRB’s Jan. 1, 2018 pure premium rate filing that has already been submitted to the insurance commissioner. The vote to amend the filing was based …

Increase in California Workers’ Comp Pure Premium Sent to Department of Insurance

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau has submitted its Jan. 1, 2018 pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance proposing advisory pure premium rates that average $2.01 per $100 of payroll. That WCIRB’S proposed rate is 14.3 …