weather forecasting News

La Nina Weather 65% Likely to Develop in July-Sept: National Weather Service

There is a 65% chance of the La Nina weather pattern, characterized by cold temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, developing during July-September, a U.S. government forecaster said on Thursday. This shift from the current neutral phase between La Nina and …

Artificial Weatherman? AI Could Better Predict Hurricanes, Research Paper Says

Artificial Intelligence may be the key to more accurate and more timely hurricane predictions, China-based researchers have reported in the scientific journal Nature. In two papers in the journal, the researchers, including scientists affiliated with the Chinese tech company Huawei, …

Climate-Fueled Disasters Spur UN Plan to Fund Weather Forecasting in Vulnerable Nations

GLASGOW – As climate change triggers deadly heatwaves, droughts and floods, three U.N. agencies on Wednesday rolled out funding plans to improve weather forecasting in vulnerable countries. The initiative, announced at the U.N. climate summit, aims to plug gaps in …

National Weather Service Upgrades Forecast Model

The National Weather Service has turbocharged its lagging forecast model to better predict extreme weather events such as hurricanes, blizzards and downpours, as well as day-to-day weather. By including much higher layers of the atmosphere, increased factoring of ocean waves …

European Researchers Turn to AI to Build Better Weather Data

European scientists who feed critical climate data to industry and researchers said that their next great breakthrough in weather forecasting will be powered by artificial intelligence. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is turning to machine learning in order …

Report: Florida Will See Noticeable Climate Change Impacts in 20 Years

When scientists talk about climate change effects like sea level rise and extreme temperatures, they’re typically referring to things predicted to start noticeably occurring as soon as, say 2050, or into the next century. But the impacts of climate change …

Artificial Intelligence Helps to Contain Wildfires, Predict Wild Weather

On a tower in the Brazilian rainforest, a sentinel scans the horizon for the first signs of fire. Only these eyes aren’t human. They don’t blink or take breaks, and guided by artificial intelligence they can tell the difference between …

From Insurers to Traders to Retailers, More Industries Depend on Weather Tracking

Every uptick in wind speed along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline is of enormous interest to Mike Eilts. Eilts, senior vice president for weather at DTN, a Minnesota-based analytics firm, knows that an unexpected cold front in Louisiana, nudged southward …

Can Climate Change Make The Groundhog A Better Forecaster?

Donald Trump has no problem saying what he’s thinking – as he proved during a phoner with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Saturday. This could make one wonder how he’ll treat Prince Charles – a strong believer in climate …

Meteorologists Can Predict Tornadoes Weeks in Advance

Researchers say they’ve come up with a way to predict the likelihood of tornadoes two or three weeks in advance — a step toward better warnings of storms that kill an average of 80 Americans each year. Victor Gensini, a …