weather News

Freezing European Weather May Last to End of February

The worst February cold spell Europe has seen in decades may last until the end of the month, leading meteorologists said, raising the prospect of further deaths and an extended spike in European spot gas prices. “We do have higher …

Europe Freeze Kills 89; Fears Rise over Russian Gas

Record-low temperatures in parts of Eastern Europe pushed the death toll from Arctic conditions to at least 89 people on Wednesday, and have forced Russian gas provider Gazprom to warn over supplies to Europe. Europe had enjoyed a relatively mild …

The Climate Corp. Expands Operations in Washington

The Climate Corp. announced the official opening of its newest office, this one in Seattle, Wash. The Climate Corp. combines data climatology and agronomy to protect the $3 trillion global agriculture industry with automated weather insurance products. The Seattle location …

Earthquakes Prompt Record Insurance Claims in 2011

Insurance industry damage claims from natural disasters like the earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand reached a record $105 billion in 2011, Munich Re , the world’s biggest reinsurer, said on Wednesday. The cost to insurers from the earthquake and …

Insurers Worry 2012 Will Top 2011 for Record Weather Disasters

From floods that crippled countries, to mega cyclones, huge blizzards, killer tornadoes to famine-inducing droughts, 2011 has been another record-breaker for bad weather. While it is too early to predict what 2012 will be like, insurers and weather prediction agencies …

Weather Map Added to

SAN DIEGO, 11/28/11 – Wells Publishing, Inc. announces the addition of a weather map to, the company’s website for news and information for property/casualty claims professionals. The interactive map displays live weather conditions throughout the United States and can …

IPCC Report Concludes Extreme Weather to Worsen with Climate Change

An increase in heat waves is almost certain, while heavier rainfall, more floods, stronger cyclones, landslides and more intense droughts are likely across the globe this century as the Earth’s climate warms, U.N. scientists said on Friday. The U.N. Intergovernmental …

Allianz Asia CEO Says Thai Floods Could be Costliest Disaster in a Decade

Insured losses from Thai floods could be in the double-digit billions of dollars and the disaster will lead to a re-assessment of weather risks to industries in Asia, a senior official from global insurer Allianz said. Calculating the true cost …

The Climate Corp. Introduces Total Weather Insurance 2012

The Climate Corporation (formerly WeatherBill) have launched Total Weather Insurance (TWI) Corn 2012 and TWI Soybean 2012 which provide profit protection for growers against increasingly extreme weather. Total Weather Insurance (TWI) is The Climate Corporation’s full-season weather insurance program, providing …

AXIS Puts Q2 Cat Losses at $90-$105 Million; Updates Q1 Estimates

Bermuda-based AXIS Capital Holdings Limited has estimated that the total net financial impact of the June 2011 aftershock in New Zealand and the series of severe weather events that occurred in the U.S. in April and May 2011 are expected …