weedkiller News

France Vows to Help Farmers Who Stop Using Glyphosate Weedkiller

France will give financial aid to farmers who agree to halt use of glyphosate, the farm ministry said on Monday after President Macron said he had failed with efforts to ban use of the weedkiller by 2021. Glyphosate, first developed …

Bayer Gambles on Science to Let It Keep Selling Roundup, Mitigate Future Claims

FRANKFURT/NEW YORKβ€” Seeking to forestall further claims, Bayer AG is taking a risky bet that an independent scientific review will ultimately show that its widely used weed killer Roundup does not cause cancer, legal experts said. The company on Wednesday …

First Jury in a Roundup Cancer Trial Orders Monsanto to Pay $289 Million

A California jury on Friday found Monsanto liable in a lawsuit filed by a man who alleged the company’s glyphosate-based weed-killers, including Roundup, caused his cancer and ordered the company to pay $289 million in damages. The case of school …

First Jury Weighs Cancer Claims Against Monsanto’s Roundup

A trial in which a school groundskeeper alleged that his use of Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer caused his terminal cancer will go to a California jury after lawyers for both sides delivered their closing arguments on Tuesday. Groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson …