Wells Fargo arbitration News

Equifax, Wells Fargo May Still Face Class Actions Despite Wall Street Arbitration Win

Not every financial firm will be able to reap the benefit of Wall Street’s victory in dismantling the threat of class-action law suits. The U.S. Senate killed a rule late on Tuesday that allowed consumers to band together to sue …

Wells Fargo Banks on Arbitration to Settle Fake Account Claims

Wells Fargo & Co. is trying to keep dozens of customers suing over bogus accounts opened by its employees out of court, saying they agreed to resolve any disputes in arbitration when they began doing business with the bank. The …

Mandatory Arbitration Clause Could Thwart Wells Fargo Customers’ Lawsuits

Wells Fargo & Co. customers aiming to sue the bank over bogus accounts opened in their names may be in for an unpleasant surprise: the fine print requires them to take their claims to an arbitrator instead of a court. …