West Africa News

Before Ambush, Burkina Faso Mine Workers Sought More Transport Protection: Reuters

Five months before an ambush killed 39 colleagues, local workers at a Canadian-owned gold mine in Burkina Faso pleaded with managers to fly them to the site rather than go by a road that was prone to attacks, two people …

Lockton Opens Morocco Office, Based in Casablanca Finance City

Lockton, the largest privately held, independent insurance broker in the world, has opened an office in Morocco, based in Casablanca Finance City (CFC), an economic hub for the region. Lockton’s Middle East operations serve clients in the marine, aviation, energy, …

Ghana’s Biggest Insurer Delays Opening Units in West Africa as Result of Ebola

SIC Insurance Co., Ghana’s biggest insurer, has put on hold plans to open units in Sierra Leone and Liberia as the nations battle to contain the world’s worst outbreak of Ebola. The company, which was studying the financial viability of …

Videotel Launches Revised Piracy and Armed Robbery Program

As pirates continue to capture vessels and kidnap crews, most recently off the coast of Nigeria, “ship owners, ship managers and operators are once again forcibly reminded of the need to take steps to protect the safety of their crew, …

IMB Report Notes Piracy Increasing in W. Africa; Somalia Still Main Threat

The latest global piracy report from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Maritime Bureau (IMB) cites 102 “incidents of piracy and armed robbery” for the first quarter of 2012, “with dangerously increasing numbers in West African waters.” According to …

NMS Report Highlights Continued Somali Piracy; New Threat in Gulf of Guinea

A report compiled by David Rider of Neptune Maritime Security points out that, despite the “best efforts of the world’s navies and EU NAVFOR in particular, pirate attacks continue in the area off the Horn of Africa- Somalia, the Indian …