West Virginia chemical spill News

West Virginia Chemical Spill Firm Says It Has Insurance

The embattled company behind West Virginia’s chemical spill has reached a bankruptcy court deal for up to $4 million in credit from a lender to help continue operations, an attorney said. The arrangement will allow the company to continue paying …

West Virginia Politicians Call for State, Federal Regulation of Chemicals

West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin and U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin this week proposed tighter regulations for chemical storage facilities after a spill contaminated the water supply for 300,000 people. Tomblin, the Democratic governor, urged passage of a chemical storage …

West Virginia Eyes Relief for Businesses Hurt by Spill

The West Virginia Legislature is fast-tracking a proposal to help small businesses affected by disasters like last week’s chemical spill. The House of Delegates last Thursday unanimously passed a bill to give the governor leeway to assist businesses during emergencies. …

New Health Warning Raises Concern in West Virginia Over Chemical Spill

A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warning to pregnant women in West Virginia has raised alarms because officials, relying on the agency’s guidance, had been assuring residents their tapwater was safe after a chemical spill prompted a do-not-use …

Inspectors Cite Company in West Virginia Spill for Violations at Other Site

The company whose spill contaminated the water supply for 300,000 West Virginians has been cited for violations at a second facility where it’s storing chemicals. Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Tom Aluise says inspectors found five violations Monday at a …

Sen. Rockefeller Requests Increased Funding for Chemical Safety Board

U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller is seeking more funding for the U.S. Chemical Safety Board following a spill in West Virginia that tainted the water supply for about 300,000 residents. Rockefeller says in a news release that he has asked the …

Calls for Tougher Chemical Regulation Follow West Virginia Spill

A chemical spill that left 300,000 people in West Virginia unable to drink their water is reviving calls for more stringent regulation of thousands of chemical storage sites in the U.S., especially those near water supplies. The Freedom Industries Inc. …

Chemical Firm, Local Water Company Sued Over West Virginia Spill

13 Jan 2014 20:12 A West Virginia chemical maker was sued along with a local water company over a spill into the Elk River in the state capital, Charleston, that left businesses and residents without tap water for days. Freedom …

West Virginia Chemical Cleanup Continues; Probe of Leak Underway

West Virginia’s Governor sees the “light at the end of the tunnel” in the chemical leak that has compromised water service for about 300,000 in the state. Residents face a fifth day without drinking water as state and water authority …