West Virginia gun laws News

Guns Are Focus of Virginia Annual Lobbying Day

Gun-control and gun-rights proponents rallied Monday at the Virginia Capitol during an annual day of advocacy, as lawmakers from both parties offered a tempered assessment about what’s possible on the issue during this year’s legislative session. Some Republicans and allied …

West Virginia House Approves Bill Waiving Permits for Concealed Guns

After the bill was vetoed last year, a proposal to allow carrying a concealed gun without a permit in West Virginia passed its first major test this week. The Republican-led House of Delegates voted 68-31 on the concealed carry legislation. …

West Virginia Governor Signs Gun Rights Bill

West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin has signed a bill that lets people with concealed-carry permits bring guns to city-owned recreational facilities, including swimming pools and after-school centers. The law requires people to store guns securely out of view and …

West Virginia Lawmakers OK Chemical Spill Bill As Session Ends

Leading up to a midnight deadline, West Virginia lawmakers scrambled Saturday to give teachers raises and hike the minimum wage. A Jan. 9 chemical spill into the water supply loomed over the session, which began three days before 300,000 people …

West Virginia Unlikely to Remove Local Guns Laws: Senate President

West Virginia Senate President Jeffrey Kessler says a bill that would eliminate municipal gun restrictions in four cities is unlikely to proceed. The bill passed the House with overwhelming support and recent rallies have urged its passage in the Senate. …