West Virginia mine safety News

Ex-Mine Chief Pleads Guilty in West Virginia Blast

The former superintendent of the West Virginia mine where 29 workers died in a 2010 explosion pleaded guilty on Thursday to a federal conspiracy charge that he tipped off employees to safety inspections. Gary May, 43, is the most senior …

Regulators Say West Virginia Mines Warned of Inspectors

Three times in a month, regulators have caught West Virginia coal companies illegally warning miners that federal inspectors were onsite. Mine Safety and Health Administration director Joe Main says such warnings let workers disguise conditions that could endanger their lives. …

West Virginia Lawmakers Pass Mine Safety Measure

West Virginia will update its mine safety laws in the wake of the worst U.S. coal mining disaster in four decades. The House of Delegates sent the measure to Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. Delegates approved several changes made by the …

West Virginia Safety Bill Responds to Upper Big Branch Tragedy

A father crushed in a roof fall. A former schoolmate suffocated by poisoned air. Sharing stories of loved ones and friends killed in West Virginia’s coal mines, a unanimous House of Delegates passed safety legislation this week that largely seeks …

West Virginia Candidate Maloney Denies Profit Over Safety Charge

West Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Maloney said Democrats’ accusations that he values profits over safety are untrue. The founder of North American Drillers was among those who helped rescue 33 trapped Chilean gold miners in 2010 and touted that …