West Virginia News

Ind. Insurer Pulls Out of State Over Regulatory Action

An Indiana-based insurer is pulling out of West Virginia, saying regulatory action taken against it by the state forced the decision. Medical Savings Insurance of Indianapolis notified customers this month that it will not renew their policies, the Charleston Gazette …

Wis. Boasts Longest Serving Lawmaker in the Nation

Fred Risser jokes that he’s been in the Wisconsin Legislature so long, the state is tearing down buildings that he voted to construct. The Madison Democrat officially became the nation’s longest serving out of 7,500 current state lawmakers on Jan. …

People and Places

Zurich Financial Services Group has appointed Maine Insurance Superintendent Alessandro A. Iuppa as head of Government and Industry Affairs for General Insurance, and as chief government affairs officer, North America. Both appointments are effective Jan. 15, 2007. Based in Washington, …

It Figures

20% The premium refund that The Medical Assurance Company of Mississippi is giving to its physician customers. According to Michael D. Houpt, MACM president, the malpractice insurance refund has been made possible almost entirely as a result of the significant …

It Figures

$20 billion The federal flood insurance program may be going broke after incurring $20 billion in debt from recent storms like Hurricane Katrina. But that hasn’t stopped politicians from trying to extend the taxpayer-subsidized coverage for some of the riskiest …

Drunk driving death rates decline in 23 states

Drunken-driving deaths declined slightly across the nation in 2005, and the rate of drunken-driving deaths fell in 23 states, according to transportation officials. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 23 states and Puerto Rico had a decrease in …


20% The premium refund that The Medical Assurance Company of Mississippi is giving to its physician customers. According to Michael D. Houpt, MACM president, the malpractice insurance refund has been made possible almost entirely as a result of the significant …


Zurich Financial Services Group has appointed Maine Insurance Superintendent Alessandro A. Iuppa as head of Government and Industry Affairs for General Insurance, and as chief government affairs officer, North America. Both appointments are effective Jan. 15, 2007. Based in Washington, …

It Figures

$20 billion The federal flood insurance program may be going broke after incurring $20 billion in debt from recent storms like Hurricane Katrina. But that hasn’t stopped politicians from trying to extend the taxpayer-subsidized coverage for some of the riskiest …

Drunk driving death rates decline in 23 states

Drunken-driving deaths declined slightly across the nation in 2005, and the rate of drunken-driving deaths fell in 23 states, according to transportation officials. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 23 states and Puerto Rico had a decrease in …