whistleblower awards News

British Court Awards $11 Million to EY Whistleblower Who Exposed Money Laundering

A British court awarded $11 million in damages and expenses on Friday [April 17] to a former partner at global accounting firm Ernst & Young who exposed money laundering at a major gold refinery in the United Arab Emirates. Amjad …

Chief Says SEC Will Not Cap Whistleblower Awards

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will not introduce “caps” on awards to whistleblowers who come forward with key information on fraud and other violations, the head of the agency told lawmakers on Tuesday. Last year, the country’s top markets …

SEC Awards $4 Million to Whistleblower

The Securities and Exchange Commission has awarded nearly $4 million to a whistleblower who tipped the agency with about serious misconduct and provided additional assistance during the ensuing investigation, including industry-specific knowledge and expertise. “Not only did this whistleblower step …

Insurers Targeted in Proposed N.Y. Corporate Whistleblower Protection Law

Employees who report illegal activity in insurance, banking and financial services would be protected and compensated for their trouble under new legislation proposed by New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The new bill comes as the issue is getting …

Whistleblower Tips, Award Amount Increased in 2014, Reports SEC

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission received more than 3,500 tips from whistleblowers in fiscal year 2014, the largest number received since the program went into effect three years ago. The SEC announced the increase in its Nov. 17 annual …