white collar crime News

U.S. Attorney General: Prosecuting Individuals Is Top Priority in Policing Corporate Crime

The U.S. Justice Department’s top priority in rooting out corporate malfeasance is to hold individuals accountable, Attorney General Merrick Garland said March 3 as he detailed a shift in focus and resources at the agency. The agency is allocating resources …

Corporate Crime: How Fidelity Bonds May Reduce Its Impact on Your Business

This post is part of a series sponsored by Old Republic Surety. Fidelity bonds differ from liability insurance and errors and omissions insurance. They protect against corporate crime. Does your commercial client’s business own valuable assets or expensive equipment? Maintain …

Justice Department to Target Executives in White Collar Crime Push

The U.S. Justice Department has issued new guidelines that emphasize prosecuting individual executives in white-collar crime cases, and not just their corporations. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, author of a memo outlining the rules for federal prosecutors, was to announce …

AG Holder Seeks Tools to Prosecute Executives for White Collar Crimes

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder last Wednesday called for Congress to take steps to help prosecutors build criminal cases against senior Wall Street executives, saying companies often insulated their leaders from responsibility for misconduct. In a speech before New York …

John Hancock, Law Firm Face Tax Shelter Racketeering Lawsuit

John Hancock Life Insurance Co. and its law firm, Edwards Wildman Palmer, must face a class action accusing them of violating racketeering laws by marketing a tax shelter, a federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court …