wind rain News

Europe Battered by Winter Storm Christian: AIR Worldwide Analysis

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide reported that “winter storm ‘Christian’ (known as ‘St. Jude in the United Kingdom) battered the western shores of southern Great Britain early on Monday, October 28, 2013, as one of the strongest extra tropical cyclones …

UPDATE: TS Ernesto Crossing Caribbean; AIR Analysis

Tropical Storm Ernesto is continuing along the track forecast by the National Hurricane Center in Miami, as it crosses the southern Caribbean, heading towards Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. The most recent NHC bulletin said maximum sustained winds were 50 mph, 85 …

Typhoon Nesat Hits Hainan Island, China Mainland; AIR Analysis

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide’s latest bulletin on Typhoon Nesat notes that it “made landfall as a moderate Category 1 storm on the northeastern corner of the island of Hainan at 2:30 pm local time (6:30 UTC) Thursday, near the …