Winston-Salem Fire Department News

Black North Carolina Firefighters File Discrimination Suit

A group of Black firefighters in North Carolina has filed a lawsuit against their city and their fire chief, alleging that he has not made an effort to prevent racial discrimination, harassment and retaliation within his department. The lawsuit filed …

Black Firefighters in North Carolina Allege Racism Amid Larger Reckoning

They threw her new cellphone on the roof of the station house and placed nails under the wheels of her pickup truck. As she prepared to answer a call, someone poured tobacco juice in her boots. It was too much …

Black North Carolina Firefighters Allege Racism in Grievance

Black firefighters in a North Carolina city have filed a grievance alleging that white captains talked about running over protesters and a firefighter made a noose during a rope and knots class. The grievance filed by Black firefighters with the …