Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers News

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Protecting Gun Makers From Lawsuits

The Wisconsin Assembly passed a Republican-authored bill that would limit gun and ammunition manufacturers’ legal liability, a move that could protect them from big payouts following a mass shooting. Under the bill, no one could sue gun or ammunition manufacturers …

Wisconsin’s Insurance Cybersecurity Measures Signed into Law

Wisconsin’s governor has signed into law legislation creating new cybersecurity requirements for protecting data collected by the insurance industry. Governor Tony Evers signed Act 73, which is based on model legislation developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) …

Wisconsin Governor Signs Emergency Responder Workers’ Comp Bill

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has signed a bipartisan bill that makes it easier for emergency responders suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to file workers’ compensation claims. Right now, police and firefighters can claim workers’ compensation for PTSD but they must …

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Governor Can’t Limit Business Capacity

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that Gov. Tony Evers’ administration does not have the authority to issue capacity limits on bars, restaurants and other businesses without the Legislature’s approval, a ruling that comes two weeks after the conservative-controlled court …

Wisconsin Gov. Proposes Legalized Marijuana — Recreational and Medical

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has proposed legalizing marijuana and regulating and taxing it like the state does alcohol. Evers made the proposal in his 2021-23 biennial budget, which estimates that legal marijuana would generate more than $165 million annually beginning …

Wisconsin Governor Issues Emergency Order Due to Wildfires

Wisconsin residents grappling with the coronavirus have something else to worry about now: wildfires. Gov. Tony Evers on April 21 declared statewide state of emergency in response to elevated wildfire conditions. The governor’s office said the state has experienced more …

Wisconsin Governor Seeking Federal Disaster Declaration for 3 Counties

Gov. Tony Evers has submitted a federal emergency declaration for three southeastern Wisconsin counties for $10 million in damage caused along the shore of Lake Michigan by winter storms last month. Evers asked President Donald Trump’s administration for the declaration …

Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill Creating New Restrictions on Firefighting Foam

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has signed a bill that imposes new restrictions on firefighting foam to curb pollution from PFAS chemicals. The bill prohibits the use of foam containing intentionally added PFAS except in emergency fire situations. Firefighters will have …

Wisconsin Governor Declares State of Emergency After Flooding, Storms

Gov. Tony Evers has declared a state of emergency in southeastern Wisconsin in the wake of severe winter storms that struck the region. The governor issued an executive order declaring an emergency in Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha counties in response …