wisconsin supreme court News

Wisc. Court: Homicide Conviction Doesn’t Mean Baby’s Death Wasn’t an Accident

The mother of a baby girl who was killed by her father may pursue a claim against the father’s insurer because of unresolved questions, including whether the death was an accident, a divided Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Thursday. In a …

Federal Appeals Court Upends $6M Lead Paint Verdict From 2019

A federal appeals court has cleared one paint manufacturer and ordered a retrial for two others in a case in which a jury in 2019 awarded $6 million to three men whose brain damage was blamed on their years of …

Wisconsin Supreme Court: COVID Records Can be Released

A divided Wisconsin Supreme Court on Tuesday said the state health department can release data on coronavirus outbreak cases, information sought two years ago near the beginning of the pandemic. The court ruled 4-3 against Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, the …

Michigan Senior Living Center Loses Appeal Over Woman’s Death

The Michigan Supreme Court last week reinstated a lawsuit against a senior living center where an 89-year-old woman was locked out in cold weather and died a few weeks later. In a 4-2 order, the court said Independence Village in …

Wisconsin High Court Limits Bodily Injury Coverage to Insured Persons

An auto insurer is not required to pay underinsured motorist benefits to the son of man who was killed in an auto crash because the father was not insured by its policy, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in an …

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Governor Can’t Limit Business Capacity

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that Gov. Tony Evers’ administration does not have the authority to issue capacity limits on bars, restaurants and other businesses without the Legislature’s approval, a ruling that comes two weeks after the conservative-controlled court …

Wisconsin Supreme Court Sends Virus Capacity Limits Case to Lower Court

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Nov. 4 declined to consider reinstating Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ coronavirus restrictions limiting the size of public gatherings, deferring to a lower court to decide. Evers’ administration issued an order in early October that limited …

Wisconsin High Court Won’t Let Unions Join Suit Against Stay-at-Home Order

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on April 28 refused a request by several labor unions to help defend Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ stay-at-home order from a Republican effort to overturn it. The order, which was issued by state Department of Health …

Wisconsin High Court Rules Against Farm Over Pay for Time Workers Spend Dressing

Workers can’t negotiate away their right to compensation for time spent donning and removing protective gear, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in a long-running legal battle between a Jefferson County farm and its employees. Nearly 230 current and former workers …

Wisconsin Court: Extra Insurance Not Needed for Enbridge Pipeline in Dane County

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that Canada-based Enbridge Energy doesn’t need to carry additional insurance for a pipeline project in Dane County, despite the local government’s insistence that it do so in case of an accidental spill. Dane County …