Wisconsin News

U.S. Launches Pre-Existing Condition Health Insurance Plan

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today the launch of a Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) that will offer coverage to uninsured Americans who have been unable to obtain health coverage because of a pre-existing health …

Wisconsin Commissioner Creates Council to Advise on Ambac Rehab

Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance Sean Dilweg announced he has formed an Advisor Council to assist in the process of rehabilitating the Segregated Account of Ambac Assurance Corp. (AAC). The Council, composed of nine members with experience in all aspects of …

Asterisk Financial Launches Personal Guarantee Insurance

Asterisk Financial Inc. has introduced Personal Guarantee Insurance, a new insurance product that protects small-to-medium-size (SMB) business owners, or anyone who guarantees a SMB loan, against major loan-related losses. Loan guarantors – including business owners, commercial real estate investors and …


Waitress or Entertainer? “This really is the cornerstone of civil rights: You can’t discriminate based on appearance.” —Richard Bernstein, an attorney for two former waitresses in Michigan who said Hooters fired them because of their weight, told a newspaper the …

Wisconsin Court: Insurers Must Help With Fox River Paper Mill Cleanup

Two companies that once insured Appleton Papers Inc. are liable for $10 million toward the cleanup of the Fox River after a court decision on June 8, the firm’s lawyer said. Attorney Ron Ragatz says the ruling by the Wisconsin …

And the Best, Worst States for Tort Liability Costs Are…

Alaska, Hawaii and North Carolina get thumbs up while New Jersey, New York and Florida get thumbs down for their tort liability costs in the latest ranking by a free-market think tank. The states with the worst performance had the …

Wisconsin Court: Insurers Must Help With Fox River Paper Mill Cleanup

Two companies that once insured Appleton Papers Inc. are liable for $10 million toward the cleanup of the Fox River after a court decision on June 8, the firm’s lawyer said. The 2-1 ruling by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals …

Change in Michigan Law Opened Door to Lawsuits Against Hooters

An attorney for two former waitresses in Michigan who said Hooters fired them because of their weight told a newspaper the case is about civil rights. But Hooters said the appearance of its waitresses is a legitimate business concern. “This …

Car Insurance Mandate Begins in Wisconsin

All Wisconsin drivers were required to carry auto liability insurance beginning June 1, but the question remains as to how many will follow the law. Only about 15 percent of the state’s drivers are currently uninsured, roughly the same percentage …

Business Moves

Fremont Michigan, Northern Mutual Fremont Michigan InsuraCorp Inc., a Michigan-exclusive property and casualty insurance company headquartered in Fremont, Mich., and Northern Mutual Insurance Co. (Northern), a Michigan mutual insurer, have agreed to a strategic alliance between the two insurers. Northern …