Wisconsin News

Wisconsin High Court: Homeowners Insurance Doesn’t Cover Negligence

A couple’s homeowner’s policy does not cover alleged negligence by the wife for not preventing her husband from sexually abusing a child, a divided Wisconsin Supreme Court said July 17. The unnamed child and the child’s mother sued the woman …

Midwest’s Flood-prone Communities Consider Government Buyouts

After the Great Flood of 1993, thousands of properties in flood plains around the Midwest were bought out by the government. Now, weeks after the latest massive flood, buyouts are again being considered in at least five states: Missouri, Iowa, …

Wisconsin Family Gets $18M after Birthing Injury

A judge approved an $18.2 million settlement from the government for a Milwaukee family whose daughter suffered brain damage during birth at a federally funded clinic. The lawsuit was argued in U.S. District Court because the clinic where the birthing …

N.H. Modifies Producer, Adjuster Licensing Law, Fees

New Hampshire officials announced changes in licensing fees for insurance producers and adjusters that include a single $210 application and license fee for initial producer licensing replacing what used to be two separate fees. The producer licensing renewal fee remains …

Blogs Can Get Insurance Clients ‘SLAPP’ed!

A Dade County, Florida real estate developer in January 2008 filed a $25 million lawsuit against a real estate blogger alleging, among other charges, defamation of character based on the blogger’s opinion published solely on his blog (MiamiCondoInvestments). Hollo v. …

S&P Advises Floods Could Lead to Ratings Actions on Midwest-Focused Insurers

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said it does not expect the 2008 Midwest floods to impact ratings or outlooks for the majority of companies that it rates. However, property/casualty writers that are geographically concentrated in the affected states, especially those …

South Carolina Gov. Gives Bicyclists Permission to Run Red Lights

Gov. Mark Sanford is giving a public green light to a bill that allows motorcyclists and bikers to run red lights after they stop at intersections. Sanford officially signed the bill in May, but held a ceremonial signing at stops …

Wis. Man Loses Classic Cars with Damage Estimates of $100,000 to Flood

Many property owners suffered large losses in the June 2008 flooding event in southern Wisconsin. But few lost a fleet. James Pritzlaff’s collection of classic cars is still under about 4 feet of water that overflowed from Lower Genesee Lake. …

Wausau Survey: Employers Stay Level Headed Despite Recession Worries

Although a U.S. economic recession would not be good news overall for employers, most don’t believe a recession would drive up workers’ compensation claims, according to a new survey of financial executives by a Wisconsin based insurance company. Only 23 …

Legislators, Emergency Directors to Review, Revise Wis. Disaster Laws

A new panel of state lawmakers, relief workers and emergency directors will start meeting this month to streamline Wisconsin’s disaster statutes and clarify how the stte legislature should work if a crisis forces it to meet outside Madison. Wisconsin’s emergency …