work from home News

Nationwide’s Left the Building. Insurer Makes Remote Work Permanent in 5 States.

Nationwide said it plans to permanently transition to a hybrid operating model that comprises primarily working-from-office in four main corporate campuses and working-from-home in most other locations. The company said it will exit most buildings outside of four main campuses …

After Crisis, It Won’t Be Business as Usual – It Will Be Business Done Better: Opinion

As the insurance industry begins to settle into the new norm of working from home (WFH), most companies will be questioning the very fundamentals of their day-to-day operating models. Staff will, of course, be looking forward to the day when …

Pandemic Crisis Story: Moving 1000-Plus Employees in 7 Countries in Just 2 Weeks

Amit Tiwari, chief operating officer at Xceedance, the Boston-based insurance consulting, managed services, and insurtech company, explains the challenges of enabling business continuity plans in the face of a global pandemic and moving an international workforce of well over a …

How Agencies Can Manage Employees Working from Home During Coronavirus Crisis

Millions of Americans are currently subject to shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders as efforts to slow the spread of the current strain of coronavirus expand, thus requiring employees across all industries to shift to performing their jobs remotely. For many workers, …

Top 10 Work From Home Tips, or How Not to Lose Your Job from Home

Many workers are being asked to do something that some have wanted for years while others have never wanted. It’s time to work from home. Not to worry, we have plumbed the depths of our WAH (work at home) experience …

Some Massachusetts MetLife Employees Take Work-From-Home Option

Insurance giant MetLife Inc. recently announced it will be transitioning some 2,600 jobs from five Northeastern states and California to new U.S. retail and technology hubs in North Carolina. The company’s decision means many of the workers in affected offices …