worker shortage News

Why Millions Have Left Workforce During Pandemic

Approximately five million people in the U.S. are unemployed or have left the workforce since the pandemic began, and it is difficult to predict whether their decision was short term or permanent. According to S&P Global, even as extended unemployment …

Analysts Say U.S. Labor Shortage Could Last a While

Labor shortages may be the most intractable of the cost risks that U.S. companies faced in the latest quarter, and as the earnings season moves into its peak there are signs the problem will persist, some strategists say. Finding and …

Employers Must Contend with Shrinking Population of Working-Age People

As America’s job market rebounds this summer and the need for workers intensifies, employers won’t likely have a chance to relax anytime soon. Worker shortages will likely persist for years after the fast-reopening economy shakes off its growing pains. Consider …

Minnesota Manufacturers Relying on Robots Amid Worker Shortage

A growing number of Minnesota manufacturers are turning to robots amid a shortage of skilled workers. Minnesota Public Radio News reports small companies are following the lead of larger manufacturers. Bob Kill, president and CEO of consulting firm Enterprise Minnesota, …