workers’ compensation News

Mass. Court Says Suspended Public Employee Can Receive Workers’ Comp

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that an injured public employee is still eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits after being suspended from employment. The court concluded that workers’ compensation benefits are not compensation as defined in the state’s …

California Commissioner Lowers Workers’ Comp Pure Premium

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones issued a revised advisory pure premium rate, lowering the benchmark to $2.02 per $100 of payroll for workers’ compensation insurance effective July 1. This is 16.5 percent less than the average pure premium rate of …

California’s Comp Insurers Had 5.1% More in Direct Written Premium in 2016

California workers’ compensation insurers wrote $12.96 billion in direct written premium last year, an increase of $628 million, or 5.1 percent, from the prior year, according to new data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners released by the California …

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Wants to Abolish Labor Review Board

Wisconsin’s 106-year-old labor commission would vanish and Gov. Scott Walker’s administration would decide workplace disputes, including workers’ compensation disputes, in its place under a budget proposal up being considered by the the Legislature’s finance committee. Walker’s plan to eliminate the …

Workplace Regulation to Reduce Incidents at California Oil Refineries OK’d

California’s Department of Industrial Relations’ Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board today approved a regulation aimed at strengthening workplace safety and health at oil refineries across the state. The new regulation is designed to provide a framework for anticipating, preventing …

California Division of Workers’ Compensation Suspends Two, Including Drobot

California’s Department of Industrial Relations and the Division of Workers’ Compensation has suspended two more medical providers from participating in California’s workers’ compensation system. The suspensions were made possible by the passage last year of Assembly Bill 1244, which requires …

Report: New Medical Coding System Not Yet An Improvement in California Comp

A new report shows that an updated medical coding system that went into effect in California a year-and-a-half ago hasn’t done much to better define the characteristics of worker injuries than the old one. A report by the California Workers’ …

Oklahoma Court Affirms Employer’s Right to Choose Provider in Workers’ Comp Case

An Oklahoma civil appeals court ruled in favor of an employer and its insurer in affirming an order by the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission, asserting an employer’s right to direct the medical treatment of an injured worker where it lacks …

Nebraska Renewable Energy Company Hit with More Safety Citations

A northeast Nebraska renewable energy plant has been given two more citations by safety regulators. The Sioux City (Iowa) Journal reports that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued the citations on May 12 to Big Ox Energy, citing safety …

Study: Comp Reform Led to Drop in Medical Payments Per Claim in California

California’s total costs per workers’ compensation claim with more than seven days of lost time have remained stable after the passage of workers’ comp reform, while most other states experienced an increase during this period, according to a study by …