workers’ compensation News

California Siblings Sentenced For Workers’ Comp Fraud

A California brother and sister who owned a landscaping service won’t contest charges that they duped several workers’ compensation carriers out of more than $200,000. Michael George Mello Jr., 37, and his sister Mary Catherine Rodriguez, 38, owners of Sacramento, …

California Employers Warned about High Heat as Temperatures Soar

Cal/OSHA is warning all employers throughout the entire state to consider protecting their outdoor workers from heat illness. The National Weather Service has issued high heat advisories and excessive heat warnings for portions of Northern and Southern California. The increasing …

Texas Oil Wells Services Company Cited for Rig Fatalities

Federal safety officials have cited a Texas oil well services company in the deaths of three workers killed while working to install a blowout preventer, which seals, controls and monitors a rig. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) said …

34 Workers Killed On Job in Wyoming In 2014

A higher-than-average number of workers died on the job in Wyoming last year. The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services said this week that 34 people died at work in Wyoming last year. That’s up from 26 in 2013 and close …

Uber Settles with Alaska over Unpaid Workers’ Comp

The ridesharing service Uber has agreed to pay Alaska more than $77,900 in connection to unpaid workers’ compensation insurance for its drivers. In the Aug. 25 settlement, the company admitted no wrongdoing, but agreed not to return to Alaska until …

Company in Minnesota Vikings Stadium Fatality Had Safety Citations

The subcontractor involved in a fatal accident at the Minnesota Vikings stadium construction site has received nine citations for worksite safety violations in the past five years, according to public records. A Berwald Roofing Co. employee was killed on Aug. …

Louisiana Jobless Rate Dips but Job Totals Shrink

Fewer people had jobs in Louisiana in July as employer payrolls shrank, but the unemployment rate fell again as even more people left the labor force. The state’s unemployment rate fell to 6.2 percent in July from 6.4 percent in …

Cause of Deadly New Mexico Scaffold Collapse Sought

Six of the remaining seven construction workers injured in the collapse of a six-story scaffold outside a New Mexico medical center were released from hospitals last week as investigators began work on trying to determine the cause of the accident. …

California WCIRB Proposes Premium 7.8% Below 2015 Average

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau has submitted its Jan. 1, 2016 pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance proposing advisory pure premium rates that average $2.45 per $100 of payroll. That WCIRB figure is 7.8 percent …

Uber Headache if More Drivers Want Full-Time Status

Thousands of new full-time workers would spring into existence if Uber is forced to stop treating some of its drivers like contract workers, and the benefits that come with that employee status may entice part-time rideshare drivers to beef up …