workers’ compensation News

Washington Contractor Hit for $1M in Workers’ Comp Premiums and Penalties

A former drywall contractor in Walla Walla, Wash. must pay more than $1 million in delinquent workers’ compensation premiums and penalties. The Washington State Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals recently held Shawn A. Campbell and his spouse personally liable for …

Audit Problems Leading to Additional Premiums

Let’s dispense with the niceties and all attempts to eloquently ease into a discussion on the troubles surrounding workers’ compensation audits. Rather let’s jump right into the problem — assignment of “employee” status to non-employees. This is not the only …

NGM Insurance Brings Expanded Work Comp Program to Vermont

The Main Street America Group’s NGM Insurance Co. has introduced an expanded workers’ compensation program in Vermont via its network of independent insurance agents across the state. NGM’s expanded workers’ compensation product considers 10 characteristics that impact company placement, including …

Illinois Governor Looks to Reduce Worker’s Comp Costs

High on the list of Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s legislative priorities is reducing the amount employers pay for workers’ compensation insurance. Illinois currently ranks 7th nationwide for the highest cost per $100 of salary, according to the Oregon Department of …

Audit Rules and Guidelines – Part I

Workers’ compensation coverage is initially priced on an estimated basis. The insured estimates payrolls (and sometimes class codes) at the beginning of the policy period for the upcoming year on which the insurance carrier charges a premium using the prescribed …

Arizona Law Clarifies Medical Marijuana Insurance Requirements

Workers’ compensation carriers and self-insurers will not be required to pay for a patient’s medical marijuana under a new bill Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law. The state’s more than 63,000 holders of medical marijuana cards will still be allowed …

Combinability of Insureds

Consolidating separate legal entities’ loss experience to develop a common experience modification factor has the potential to cause confusion for the client and sometimes the agent. Clients may view such mixing of loss experience due simply to common majority ownership/interest …

WCIRB Submits Lower Mid-year Filing to California Department of Insurance

The California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau on Monday submitted a July 1 pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance proposing advisory rates that average $2.46 per $100 of payroll. The move follows a recommendation by the …

Work Comp for PEOs and Their Client/ Employers

Professional employer organizations (PEOs) began their rise after the adoption of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 cleared a path for the creation and expansion of such entities. Between 700 and 900 professional employer organizations operate in …

Tennessee Judge: Comp Benefit Limits for Undocumented Workers Unconstitutional

A Nashville judge has found to be unconstitutional a state law that limits the amount of workers’ compensation benefits laborers living in the country illegally can receive. The ruling stems from the case of a Guatemalan man whose left arm …