workers’ compensation News

ACE Rolls Out Online Platform for Construction Industry

ACE Group announced that it is now providing insurance brokers, contractors and construction industry clients with access to its ACE Worldview online platform, an enhancement to traditional insurance policy management within the construction industry. ACE Worldview, which was first introduced …

Idahoans to See Slight Reduction in Workers’ Comp Rates in 2015

The Idaho Department of Insurance this week announced Idaho’s overall workers’ compensation premium rates will be reduced by an average of 0.2 percent for 2015. “This slight rate decrease is an indicator of the stability of workers’ compensation coverage in …

Kansas Contractors Struggle to Find Skilled Workers

A survey finds that many Kansas contractors are having trouble filling skilled jobs in the construction industry. Ninety percent of the 20 Kansas firms that responded to an Associated General Contractors survey said they’re having a hard time finding project …

Workers’ Comp Study Looks at California’s Reforms

When California Senate Bill 863 took effect Jan. 1, 2013, it created several fee schedule changes in the California workers’ compensation system. The Workers Compensation Research Institute has released a study looking at the possible effect of these changes on …

Connecticut Police Officer Charged With Workers’ Comp Fraud

A former New London, Connecticut, police officer fired over accusations he leaked an internal police document and later rehired has resigned following his arrest on charges he fraudulently collected workers’ compensation benefits. David McElroy was charged with workers’ compensation fraud. …

Existing Protocols for Ebola Questioned

As Thomas Eric Duncan’s health deteriorated, nurses Amber Joy Vinson and Nina Pham were at the Ebola patient’s side. They wore protective gear including face shields, hazardous materials suits and protective footwear as they inserted catheters, drew blood and dealt …

Nurses’ Group: Ebola Care Practices at Dallas Hospital Were Inconsistent

A Liberian Ebola patient was left in an open area of a Dallas emergency room for hours, and nurses treating him worked without proper protective gear and faced constantly changing protocols, according to a statement released by the nation’s largest …

Second Healthcare Worker Tests Positive for Ebola at Texas Hospital

A second healthcare worker in Texas tested positive for Ebola after caring for a patient with the deadly viral illness, adding to concern that infection controls at U.S. hospitals aren’t strong enough. The worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital reported …

California’s Industrial Director Challenges Workers’ Comp Report

California’s Department of Industrial Relations Director it taking a bit of umbrage with a study released last week that showed the state was ranked as the costliest for workers’ compensation. Despite major workers’ comp reforms signed into law in 2012 …

Report: Kansas Job Growth Lagging but There’s Hope for Next Year

A new report shows Kansas job growth is lagging well behind the nation but predicts the employment outlook will be better next year. Wichita State University’s Center for Economic Development and Business Research on Oct. 9 released its employment forecast …