workers’ compensation News

Workers’ Compensation Numbers Indicate Strong Performance During 2020 Pandemic

Because of job losses and shrinking payrolls during the pandemic recession, the workers’ compensation industry’s net written premium dropped 10% to $42 billion in 2020. However, private insurers posted a profitable calendar year combined ratio of 87, the industry’s fourth …

2 Injured in Hydrogen Fluoride Leak at Marathon’s Galveston Bay Refinery

Marathon Petroleum Corp. is investigating what caused a toxic chemical release that injured two workers on May 4 at a Texas City oil refinery, a spokesman said, as the U.S. industrial safety watchdog also began looking into the incident. A …

California Contractor Arrested in Nearly $1M Workers’ Comp Scheme

Carolyn Plaza of Fresno, Calif., self-surrendered on May 6 after a warrant for her arrest was issued on six felony counts of insurance fraud. A complaint filed on April 16, alleges Plaza underreported more than $3 million in employee payroll …

Many Safety Issues Found Where Texas Oilfield Worker Died from Gas Leak

In its report on the Oct. 26, 2019, hydrogen sulfide gas release that killed a Texas oilfield worker and his wife, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) says it found multiple safety issues at the site where the incident occurred. …

Study Warns of Volunteer Firefighters’ Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’

Volunteer firefighters — who comprise more than 65 percent of the U.S. fire service — have higher levels of “forever chemicals” in their bodies than the general public. A Rutgers study, which was published in the International Journal of Environmental …

9th Circuit Lifts Stay on Labor Law Classifying Truck Drivers as Employees

A federal appellate court on April 28 reversed a ruling that prevented California from enforcing a new labor law that trucking companies contend will force them to discontinue the use of independent owner-operators and classify all drivers as employees. In …

Milwaukee Area Water Technology Facility Faces $234K in OSHA Penalties

Federal workplace safety officials have cited a water technology company after an employee was injured when a guardrail loosened and he fell and struck his head on a support beam as he lowered himself into a nearly 30-foot deep water …

Wisconsin Governor Signs Emergency Responder Workers’ Comp Bill

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has signed a bipartisan bill that makes it easier for emergency responders suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to file workers’ compensation claims. Right now, police and firefighters can claim workers’ compensation for PTSD but they must …

Texas Bill Would Require Disclosure on ‘Occupational Insurance’ Policies

Texas legislation requiring an occupational insurance policy to include a specified disclosure statement clarifying the policy is not a workers’ compensation policy has passed the state House of Representatives. House Bill 3769 by Rep. John Smithee, District 86, “amends the …

New York Launches Injured Workers Legal Assistance Project to Assist with Comp Claims

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board has launched its first-ever legal assistance project to help injured workers obtain medical treatment, the Injured Workers Legal Assistance Project (IWLAP). Now, injured workers can complete an online form maintained by the New …