workers’ comp reform News

California Workers’ Comp Officials Continue to Praise Reforms

Touting California’s still-young workers’ compensation reform law as a “pragmatic middle” compromise that seems to be working, two of the top officials responsible for the system talked up some of the reform’s finer points on Thursday. David Lanier, secretary of …

Lien Fees Working Out in California Workers’ Comp

Jason Molnar makes a living deep in the trenches of workers’ compensation battles in California, so you’d think when there was a no show from an opponent at an official lien hearing that he’d be relieved by what should have …

Study: California Law to Impact Medical Care For Injured Workers

The 2012 workers’ compensation regulatory changes in California are expected to affect both the prices and utilization of medical care to injured workers by most types of providers, according to a study by the Workers Compensation Research Institute. The WCRI …

Washington Senate Delays Vote On Workers’ Compensation Bills

The Washington state Senate on Wednesday passed its first bills of the 2013 legislative session, but put off a vote on a set of contentious measures intended to save businesses money by changing workers’ compensation rules. Senate Republican Leader Mark …