Workers’ Compensation Research Institute News

North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Outpatient Payments Growing: WCRI

Hospital charges for the treatment of injured workers in North Carolina are growing quickly in the wake of regulatory changes meant to reduce outpatient costs, according to a study by the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI). Regulations enacted in 2009 …

Doctors Who Own Surgery Centers Do Lots More Surgery: Study

Orthopedic surgeons who own one of the growing number of ambulatory surgical centers (ASC) are doing a lot more surgery than non-owners surgeons, new workers’ compensation research shows. There is plenty of financial incentive for this — surgeon-owners not only …

WCRI: Virginia’s Medical Cost Per Workers’ Comp Claim Higher Than Most

Broad metrics of worker’ compensation costs show that Virginia is a lower cost state, largely due to a lower frequency of claims, according to a new report. But the report from the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) also found that …

Florida Workers’ Compensation Costs Per Claim Growing: WCRI Study

Workers’ compensation costs per claim in Florida, which dropped in the year following system reforms in 2003, showed signs of growth from 2005 to 2009, according to a new study. The WCRI study found that the average indemnity cost per …

Outpatient Costs Higher in States Without Fee Schedules: Workers’ Comp Study

States without fee schedules have higher hospital outpatient costs for common surgeries compared to states with fee schedules, according to a workers’ compensation study. The study found that significant variations in hospital outpatient/ambulatory surgical center (ASC) costs were also found …

In Slow Economy, Injured Workers May Find It Harder to Return to Work

A new report from Workers Compensation Research Institute says some injured workers may face even greater challenges in returning to work. This could lead to potential increases in the duration of disability. The report, titled “Factors Influencing Return to Work …

Workers’ Compensation System’s ‘Elephant in the Room’

The state-based workers’ compensation system has evolved and survived for 100 years but it could face tough challenges in the coming years as the country struggles to dig itself out of the deep recession. The recession has caused an “unprecedented …

North Carolina Lawmakers Urged to Preserve Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Injured workers’ groups, trial lawyers and others are sending a clear message to North Carolina lawmakers — leave the state’s workers’ compensation law alone. Hundreds of people descended on the North Carolina Legislature recently as part of the North Carolina …

Workers’ Compensation Research Group Defends Work in North Carolina

A non-profit workers’ compensation research organization that maintains its work is independent of the industry and objective has found itself at the center of a controversy in North Carolina over whether to trim workers’ compensation benefits. A group of trial …