workers’ compensation News

Louisiana Cities Experienced Economic Ups and Downs in 2016

Louisiana’s eight metropolitan areas included two of the nation’s fastest growing economies and two of its fastest shrinking ones in 2016. Lake Charles’ economy grew 8.1 percent, the fastest in the nation according to numbers released in September by the …

NYWCA Launches Campaign to Stop Cuts to Injured Worker Benefits

The New York Workers’ Compensation Alliance (NYWCA) has launched a campaign to fight proposed Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) regulations and impairment guidelines that it says would drastically cut compensation awards for injured workers. In the New York State budget that …

Workers’ Compensation Insurers Report Slow Growth: A.M. Best

The workers’ compensation industry reported a record high $58.5 billion in direct premiums written in 2016 but year-after-year growth slowed for the first time in five years. According to an A.M. Best report, the deceleration in growth was due largely …

Despite Low Unemployment Rates, Many Oklahoma Residents Without a Job

Many Oklahoma residents are out of the workforce despite the state’s low unemployment rates. The Tulsa World reports that about 25 percent of state residents between ages 25 and 54 don’t have a job. Shelley Cadamy is the executive director …

Company to Settle Missouri Butter Flavoring Case for $5M

A company has agreed to pay $5 million to settle claims that its butter flavoring chemicals harmed the lungs of a worker who handled the product at a Missouri plant. The St. Joseph News-Press reports that Carmi Flavor and Fragrance …

Former New Jersey Postal Worker Went Zip-Lining While on Disability

A former postal worker who had claimed a wrist injury prevented him from working posted photos of himself zip-lining and rappelling, state authorities said Monday as they announced insurance fraud and theft charges. Robert McGeehan, of Lower Township, N.J., is …

Maine Supreme Court Weighs Issue of Medical Marijuana and Workers’ Comp

The Maine supreme court on Wednesday began considering whether a paper millworker left suicidal by narcotic painkillers should receive workers’ compensation for medical marijuana. It’s the first time the court has considered the question of insurance reimbursement for medical marijuana. …

Fines for Workplace Deaths in Nevada Reduced Often

Companies that contested Nevada workplace safety citations after an employee died on the job received reduced fines about half the time. An analysis of state and federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration fatality records by the Las Vegas Review-Journal showed …

Study Shows California Workers’ Comp Medical Review Volume May Be Leveling off

The volume of workers’ compensation independent medical reviews in California appears to be tapering off, a new study shows. The IMR process was established by California lawmakers to resolve medical disputes. A study from the California Workers’ Compensation Institute shows …

California Commissioner Issues Decision on Jan. 1, 2018 Worker’s Comp Filing

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Tuesday issued a decision regarding the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s Jan. 1, 2018 regulatory filing, which was submitted to the California Department of Insurance on June 27. Jones approved the following: The WCIRB’s …