workers’ compensation News

Michigan to Conduct Surprise Inspections of Demolition Sites

Michigan’s workplace safety agency plans to step up unannounced inspections of demolition sites around the state to ensure workers are properly protected against hazards such as exposure to asbestos. The Detroit Free Press reports the Michigan Occupational Health and Safety …

AIA Backs California Bill Changing Workers’ Comp Filing Requirements

The American Insurance Association is asking California Gov. Jerry Brown to sign into law a bill that would exempt large employers from waiting for insurance commissioner approval of ancillary agreements that are part of high-deductible workers’ compensation policies. Assembly Bill …

California Workers’ Comp Bureau Lowers Rate Filing with Eye on Bills

The governing committee of California’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau on Wednesday approved an amended, and reduced, rate filing for Jan. 1, 2017 workers’ compensation rates. It did so based on the hope that California Gov. Jerry Brown signs two …

Berkshire Agrees to Stop Selling EquityComp Policies in California

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Tuesday approved an order agreed to by California Insurance Co. and Applied Underwriters Captive Risk Assurance Company Inc. under which they will stop selling workers’ compensation policies that the two Berkshire Hathaway companies used …

Dakota Access Pipeline Worker Killed in Accident, Official Says

A man working on the four-state Dakota Access oil pipeline was killed in an apparent accident in western North Dakota, a state regulator said. North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Brian Kalk said the man, whose name has not been released, …

Missouri Insurance Department Expects Lower Workers’ Comp Insurance Rates

Missouri insurance regulators say employers in that state should see lower workers’ compensation insurance rates for the third straight year in 2017. The Missouri Department of Insurance says the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) has proposed an overall decrease …

Work Comp: Extraterritoriality and Reci-What? Isn’t the Worker Covered Wherever He Goes?

Beyond knowing where employees regularly work, agents must know where employees might work during the policy period – even temporarily. Workers’ compensation coverage gaps or the complete loss of protection are possible if employees are conducting operations on behalf of …

California Saw $600M in Workers’ Comp Liens Filed by Convicted Providers

The California Department of Industrial Relations announced that $600 million in liens were filed against injured employees’ claims for workers’ compensation benefits by convicted or criminally indicted parties from 2011 through 2015. California’s workers’ comp law allows certain claims for …

New York Court Rules in Favor of Injured Electrician Seeking Recovery From Employer

A New York court has ruled in favor of an electrician seeking recovery of unsatisfied judgment from his employer and its insurance company after being injured on the job. Pramendra Persaud was injured after falling off of a balcony while …

Fitch Ups Liberty Mutual’s Ratings Outlook

Liberty Mutual Group’s ratings outlook has been bumped up to positive from stable at Fitch Ratings, reflecting an acknowledgment of improved operating performance. Fitch also affirmed the financial strength ratings of Liberty Mutual and its subsidiaries at ‘A-‘ and its …